Based in Helsinki, Juho Kavasto (Askel) and Sainey Gibba (Elere) have been providing the liquid side of the drum & bass scene with some seriously sublime sonics since 2018. Finding inspiration in the moody landscape of their homeland, they conjure up melancholic melodies and curious compositions which have their own unique flavour.

Both standalone musicians in their own right, this young matchup meld rich and diverse elements from a broad spectrum of genres. They draw from an arsenal of techniques to deliver their futuristic compositions – Sainey’s vocal prowess and bass playing roots give him a great understanding of low-end, while as a drummer Juho has a deft and detailed demeanour in his approach to all things percussive. With tastes ranging from West African folk to hardcore punk and calming neo-soul to videogame soundtracks spanning the last few decades, the result of their efforts always produces fresh